creative spark


What’s the cure for your summer time blues? Is your organization experiencing a slump?  This summer, many industries who regularly experience annual seasonal dips are faced with even more factors that can impact their bottom line—labor and supply shortages, employee burnout and exhaustion, and even deeper slumps as their customers take time off to unplug […]

Outdoors camping with Instaprivy setup

The InstaPrivy Story

In early 2019, Murie Design Group’s CEO, James Albert and Vice President of Business Development, Mac Christian took a trip to Las Vegas for a trade show. What started out as a week of networking in the firearms and outdoors industry, ended up as a worldwide social media campaign for an outdoor toilet and privacy […]

Social media network diagram illustration

Marketing on the Cheap: Social Media Advertising

Social media, love it or hate it, is one of the most effective means of advertising available today. Social media tends to have accessible options for demographic targeting of potential consumers as well as relatively low price points, especially in comparison to mass media outlets or publications. This combination of usability and affordability make social […]

business people networking

Marketing on the cheap: Word of Mouth

For startups and small business with limited resources, marketing can be very scary and intimidating because too often, a lot of money is spent on marketing efforts that don’t produce results. Many business owners do not believe they can afford to market, especially when faced with the pressure to make right decision on what marketing […]